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Godzilla vs. Kong is a 2021 Kaiju film that is a sequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

After being postponed from May 29, 2020 to March 13, 2020, November 20, 2020, and finally May 21, 2021, Godzilla vs. Kong has finally been released. American audiences will see it on March 31, 2021. Up to April 30, 2021, the film was also available on HBO Max.

In addition to being directed by Adam Wingard, the film is produced by Mary Parent, Alex Garcia, Eric McLeod, and Brian Rogers, with the screenplay written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein, based on a story by Terry Rossio, Michael Dougherty, and Zach Shields. The film is currently in production. King of the Monsters was written by Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields as well. Godzilla vs. Kong is set five years after the events of King of the Monsters, and it follows Godzilla and Kong as they engage in a massive fight in the aftermath of Ghidorah's wrath.

A sequel to the film is currently under production.

Legends collide in "Godzilla vs. Kong" as these mythic adversaries meet in a spectacular battle, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Kong and his protectors undertake a perilous journey to find his true home, and with them is Jia, a young orphaned girl with whom he has formed a unique and powerful bond. But they unexpectedly find themselves in the path of an enraged Godzilla, cutting a swath of destruction across the world. The epic clash between the two titans, instigated by unseen forces, is only the beginning of the mystery that lies deep within the core of the Earth.

As of 2024, five years after Godzilla defeated and killed his alien foe Ghidorah in a battle for control on Earth in 2019, he and Kong are the only Titans still alive on the planet. When a storm generated by Ghidorah combined with the storm cell that surrounds the island, the climate on Skull Island became unstable, forcing Monarch to confine Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that replicated the island's environment, with an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia, who is deaf and can communicate with Kong via sign language, providing him with company.

However, when Jia comes to visit Kong and holds out a doll to him, the Titan, sensing that he is trapped inside the biodome, finds out and immediately throws a tree at it.

Meanwhile, Apex's founder and CEO Walter Simmons enlists Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their quest for a tremendous energy source on the Hollow Earth, a subterranean realm under the Earth and the secret home of the Titans. Nathan is cautious at first since his brother attempted to investigate the Hollow Earth, but was killed by a powerful anti-gravity barrier within the tunnel. After Walter discloses that Apex has constructed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles capable of withstanding the gravity field's pressure, he eventually accepts.

Since Skull Island is no longer able to contain Kong (because Kong has grown too large), Nathan travels to Skull Island and meets his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with his idea of using Kong as their navigator in order to lead them to the Hollow Earth. Ilene first rejects the task, but when Nathan convinces her that this is the only way to end Godzilla's rampage and locate Kong a new home, she ultimately agrees.

Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex team led by Walter's daughter Maia board a specially designed boat with a moderately drugged Kong tied up. Kong becomes restless and worried later that night, but Jia calms him down by having her and Kong clasp hands in solidarity while Kong signs the word "home" for Ilene. The next day, Ilene tells Nathan about how she raised Jia as her own after harsh and unpredictable storms killed most of the Iwi, including her parents, but Jia was the lone survivor because Kong saved her, which led to their bond.

At this juncture, Jia detects Godzilla's arrival via the ship's vibrations as the Titan comes and battles the soldiers before capitulating and almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Fortunately, Nathan frees Kong by releasing his shackles, enabling him to fight Godzilla beneath long enough to swim to the surface and tip the barge back on its head, sparing the party from drowning. Kong rushes onto a nearby aircraft carrier in order to confront Godzilla, who gets onboard in order to confront Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until Godzilla is distracted sufficiently by fighter aircraft for Kong to shove him back into the water. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong leaps off to avoid the impact, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and pull him deep into the water, aiming to drown the Titan.

Knowing Kong won't survive in the cold and that they won't be able to return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he thinks there are others like him down there, and she tells Jia to ask Kong about his family, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow him in their HEAVs.

Ren Serizawa, the son of Dr. Ishiro Serizawa, is in charge of Apex's ultimate weapon, "Mechagodzilla" a mechanical Godzilla. As soon as Mechagodzilla is up and running, Walter sends in a massive adult Skullcrawler dubbed "Number 10" to see how well it can take on the titans. Mechagodzilla grips and restrains the Skullcrawler as it nears Madison, Josh, and Bernie, before cleaving it in two with a massive red energy beam. Mecha shuts down as a consequence of being limited by the power source.

Walter then reveals that he plans to use the energy of the Hollow Earth to overcome Mechagodzilla's constraints. Madison then understands that Mechagodzilla is the reason Godzilla attacked in the first place: Apex is attempting to replace him and all the Titans so that humans may become the apex species on Earth. While looking for an exit, Madison and the others come across a room where Ren is sitting inside Ghidorah's severed head, which has been turned into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control Mechagodzilla via radio waves after Apex acquired it from Alan Jonah after it was bitten off by Godzilla during his battle with Ghidorah five years ago.

Kong and Nathan's group discover a similar ecology to Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are ambushed by a pair of Warbats while traversing the area, with one of the HEAVs being destroyed by one of them. Kong saved the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass into the second, knocking it out, but the beast recovers and constricts around him. Before the Warbat can smother Kong, it is hit by missiles fired by Nathan's squad in their HEAV, allowing Kong to escape and viciously thrash the monster to death before gorging on its intestines.

Following that, Kong and Nathan's squad continue their trek, finally arriving to a massive stone temple that was previously home to Kong's forefathers. They discover remnants of an old fight between Kong's and Godzilla's races as they investigate within, while Kong discovers an ancient axe fashioned from a dead member of Godzilla's race's dorsal plate before sitting on a massive throne. As Nathan's crew discovers the power source necessary to supplement Mechagodzilla's power supply, Kong discovers that the same power source can also be used to replenish the axe. Despite Ilene's protests that Apex cannot just grab the millennium's greatest discovery, Maia and the Apex crew collect the power source and return it to their Hong Kong headquarters using spider-like drones. Maia directs her guards to shoot at Nathan's squad, prompting Kong to aggressively yell at them in defense. Meanwhile, Mechagodzilla starts transmitting a signal to Godzilla, who detects the machine's activation and immediately rushes for Hong Kong.

In response to the roar of Godzilla as the monster offers him with another challenge, Kong accepts and continues to make his way through the hole produced by Godzilla's atomic breath to Hong Kong with his axe in hand, with Ilene and Nathan following him in their HEAV. When Kong arrives in Hong Kong and confronts Godzilla, he battles him again again, this time obtaining the upper hand over the Titan to the point that he shoves his axe down Godzilla's throat in order to prevent him from launching his atomic breath again. King Kong realizes that his axe can not only deflect Godzilla's atomic breath, but it can also absorb it, and he uses his weapon to strike the Titan in the thigh, however Godzilla quickly takes the axe and tosses it away. When Godzilla strikes, Kong uses the structures of Hong Kong and his greater agility to escape and evade his blows. After retrieving his axe, he charges it and unleashes an explosion that knocks both Titans back, giving Nathan the impression that Kong has won the second fight.

Kong and Godzilla both heal and get back on their feet, with Godzilla on the prowl for Kong, who has taken refuge atop a building to avoid the Titan's attention. When Kong throws a construction crane into a building, it distracts Godzilla to the point where he ambushes him from above and places the Titan in a chokehold with the intent of strangling him, only for Godzilla to break free and unleash his full fury on Kong, eventually dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws, and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong's attempts to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh The vanquished Kong fiercely roars in defiance against Godzilla after being restrained and held down by the monstrous monster in a display of dominance.

Meanwhile, Josh and Bernie try to remotely deactivate the renegade robot, and Madison summons Mark for aid, while Godzilla and Mechagodzilla battle, with Godzilla getting the upper hand and burning Mechagodzilla. Jia observes Kong's pulse diminishing as the three approach him, while Mechagodzilla continues to batter Godzilla. They are unable to generate a large enough charge to restart Kong's heart, but Nathan recalls Maia's earlier remark about the HEAVs producing enough power to power Las Vegas for a week, so he flies the last HEAV onto Kong's chest and sets it to self-destruct, detonating the craft and releasing a massive electrical charge that instantly revives Kong.

Heaps onto the robot and redirects the red energy beam, sparing Godzilla's life. On the basis of the fact that Kong saved his life and the fact that Godzilla does not consider him an adversary, Godzilla aids Kong in his battle against Mechagodzilla.

The two Titans work together to change the tide, but the robot proves to be stronger than their combined might and defeats them. Kong reclaims his axe from the ruins after losing it during his previous encounter with Godzilla, but his weapon, having lost its charge, is worthless against Mechagodzilla, who tries to mortally impale Kong with its tail drill. All hope seems to be gone for Kong and Godzilla, but Bernie, understanding he and the others are powerless, takes out a flask of vodka and suggests they all take a drink. Josh, however, takes the flask from Bernie's grasp and short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by dumping the contents of the drink all over the control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to stop for a brief while and allowing Godzilla and Kong to recover and reclaim the upper hand.

Monarch has constructed an observation station in the Hollow Earth at some point in the future. Ilene, Nathan, and Jia are out on a morning stroll with Kong when they happen to see him pass by. After signing "home" to Jia, Kong leaps to the edge of a cliff, pounding his chest and roaring, proclaiming himself as the king of the Hollow Earth and joyfully accepting it as his new home and realm.

Godzilla vs. Kong has received a mostly favorable reception. As of April 16, 2021, the film has 341 reviews on review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes, 254 of which are fresh, with a "Tomatometer" rating of 74% certified Fresh. According to the site's reviewers' consensus section, "Delivering squarely on its title, Godzilla vs. Kong swats away character development and human drama to deliver all the spectacle you'd expect from giant monsters slugging it out."

This is the first time Godzilla and King Kong have appeared in a film together in 59 years, since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla.

It's Terry Rossio's first Godzilla picture since he wrote the unproduced script for the 1994 feature that never got filmed.

This is second movie involving King Kong that Kyle Chandler has starred in, the other being Peter Jackson's 2005 adaptation.

Like Godzilla, Kong evades an angel by jumping from ship to ship.

Mechagodzilla's base is underground and capped by a pyramid, like the Central Dogma.

Godzill vs King Kong

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